Living in an highly excited state of overstimulation.

quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011

People don’t know how to love anymore

People don’t know how to love anymore,
I told him
And why is that? He questioned,
In a torn timbre
They suck blood out of their lovers
Like mosquitos drain their victims
And they have the tendency to leave imprints
On the skin
On the first type of flesh
But not long time marks, you see
just superficial kinds of one
That itch and scratch
But don’t hurt
But stay there
Very quiet and nuisance
And our first trend
Is to lick them
Like you lick a wound, to stop the bleeding
But after a while
You realize they’ve gone too far
And there’s not really any point
In being licking
Cuz we’re all gonna be sucked
Until we’re 90 in a wheelchair
And this is not the end of the world

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