Living in an highly excited state of overstimulation.

quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012

The day I went for a massage

It has been sun and rise
And I got
A massage
And it felt quite good
Two hands gently spreading oil up on the skin
And on the shoulders, on the knees
In some places where you’re supposed to feel it a little bit more
On the palm of your hands
Beneath your fingers
I got a massage
it felt quite ok
but that was hours earlier
to the point that I’m narrating:
it was about
7 o’clock
And I was walking
towards home
It started raining
And it has been sun and rise
all day long
but it started raining
and I ran
I was quite away from home
so I had to run a lot
But suddenly,
I realized that
I really didn’t have to run
After all it was raining
And it didn’t feel bad
And the water on the skin
Dropped so good
As the hot oil
and the hands.
So I calmed down,
walked again.
And do you know those times
when you have words bumping through your head
very fast
and you definitely
feel like writing?
Well, it was a hell of a day
Because I wrote a lot
it was raining
and I had a massage.

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