Living in an highly excited state of overstimulation.

sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

A strange man

There was this man
Who lived all of his life
Surrounded by things and people
And he was always sited in a chair
That had two gold large armrests
And a little wood support for his feet
He was a noiseless man all right
He did no harm
He had only kindness,
A beautiful accent, two ladies
A giant house and
A quite normal reasoning
One day he realized
That things could be more
Useful if you meant them not
To be perpetuated by sense
So he started living life without logic
And he would choose everything backwards
Like his teeth
Your supposed to brush them three times a day
He would do it eleven times
and they got white
but so white that they started to disappear
so he bought chewing gum
and he attack it there
he started to read books
and words
from their end to their beginning
and he achieved a new significance in life
he knew another worlds
and the earth and magnitude
didn’t meant anything
were too…
he breathed air through his penis
and it was like he didn’t had lungs
or didn’t need them at all
he listened to sounds
with a gramophone
and he could not speak
but he laugh loud
like a sensual girl
he had a strange snicker
and he would seem
so serious
and sad
that the cats would feed him
with jam and cheese
and little pieces of broccolis
he could bark too
but he couldn’t meow
and he had a shadow
and his shadow
seemed to follow him
and she speaked
and talked
and was fozzy
but handsome
an handsome shadow
with a great masculine voice
and bright eyes
and no animal hums
and lungs that breathe
and ears that hear
he used his shadow
he thought he needed the normality
that raged her
and he never had money
he didn’t need money
He pooped stars
And he would pay things with them
So people could have more dreams
And less
He knew everything about pain
All about
And that dreams
Make everyone pretty much alive
He tried to sleep very much
Hours and hours
So he would dream
And so on live
He didn’t take drugs
But he would sell them
And he said that he sold
Ideas and
Everyone bought them
And so he stole people’s dreams
With ideas
He never felt hungry
Or get sick
Or had the need to make love
Or have sex
But one day
He had a fight with his soul
She said that she spent years serving him
Which he didn’t valued
He didn’t care
So the man got very angry
Very nervous
And he hit the floor
With his fist
So hard that he broke it
And in the middle of the floor
A blood river grew
And he could see hearts bumping there
And the fishes
Were so alive
That he cried everytime he looked at them
That river didn’t know what dead was
He bought every words in the world
And he poured them in the river
And more fishes raised
And the sea got sublime
And so he started to live by the sea
He told the fishes stories
And they listened to them
With those spread little eyes
those fishes cried
and he cleaned their tears with love
but soon he felt lonely
and he created another mind
of his own
and after some time
he was double minded
and after some more time
he was triple minded
and so on
that man
lived with terrible other minds
by the sea
with fishes that sang
he was a strange man
and he had a strange life
but by instantiates
a mind that has the ability
to create another minds
is able to dominate the world

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