Living in an highly excited state of overstimulation.

segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2009


Oh sweet smell of love

I've never come to an ending
those shapes and sizes
the toughts you tought me
how you whispered me how to love
and make love
I offered you matter
fadded matter
Oh sweet smell of love
you lay down peaceful in my garden
clumbsing around magnolias
and lilies
and orchids
Oh sweet smell of love
the sweet colour of your skin
she said
the mellifluous taste of you
Eros in red velvet
Oh sweet smell of love
I allow you to eat me
All parts of me
The insides and the outsides
Everyparts, everywhere
Oh sweet smell of love
hanging on ecstasy
floathing in purple and pink fluids
on red, wine red
those vessels my love
those flowers my love
those flowers you clumbsed around
Oh sweet smell of love
diving in lust
I'll write you in red
from another world
my celuls, my blood, my vessels,
all the parts of my body
climbing upon time
the irreversibility of how high
delighted with delights
Pure dreaming my love
in a dense and profound way
Oh sweet smell of love
those particles
above you
How sweet your skin smells
How mellifluous your inner tastes
Oh bittersweet
Oh bittersweet
is Eros wrapped around in red velvet

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