Living in an highly excited state of overstimulation.

segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2009

The blue silvermoon little man

I was fainted on the floor
on rain
and lots of colours were blowing over me
people in their tiptoes were walking beside
glancing at me
brawling: where are we
until a warp
got close and
belched a little man
and the little man was silvermoon
blue silvermoon
who asked me
Are you sure you want to go?
I nodded
the little man jounced me back
and I fell into space
my body became slow and slow
until he flow
on emptiness
then it fell
and my heart toppled at my side
In this black room I landed
something was missing back
my heart on the floor
pumping blood to everywhere
and the little man keep saying
in that scratched voice of his
and all I could think of
was my heart
on the floor
I screamed
Let me think
But my body was frozen
and my thoughts were frozen as well
Little Man
turned at me
with a big sharped knife on his hands
and he softly contended
you will never understand what I'm about to do
my eyes ditched abruptly
he laughed
in that scratched laughter of his
and he slit my throat
the little man
the blue silvermoon little man
and I felt my heart crippling
away from by body
and the idle space inside me
was deflagrating
and yet
I never understood what he did

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