Living in an highly excited state of overstimulation.

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012


Está tudo transfigurado
O cheiro quente e humidificado
Dos sexos
Das bocas que se movem
Em esgares mudos de nudez
Que devoram e não me seguram
Em calma e placidez
Rugem e cansam-se de não compreender
Mas ela existe
Está aqui implícita
Compreendem, de gatas
Em quatro patas levam-se
Ao precipício mas não caem
Lavam  ao se lamberem
O corpo um do outro
E engolem o que subsiste
A sujidade
E esfregam-se pelo que vão andando
O corpo hirto mas baixo
À altura do chão
A cabeça inclinada
Roça e insiste uma na outra
Meio apaixonada
É nos bigodes que te sinto
Como afiar a altivez
Em tudo onde não a podes afiar
Sem timidez
Encostas-te quente
Deixas-me ronronar
E no tempo lento
Já que conheces a melhor forma de dormir
E de como adormecemos
As nossas caudas agitam-se
E o espaço recorta-se em pedaços
 por entre o movimento de separar o ar
de forma crua
e lambo-te outra vez
deixo um pedaço
para que fiques sujo de mim
adormecemos novamente
eu sei onde tu estás
tu sabes onde eu estou
sentimos o odor
e os nossos instintos encontram-se
no escuro do quarto
onde nos conseguimos ver
e ronronas
eu ouço
ouço-te ronronar
e adormeço

quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2012

Drunk with Love

I’ve been poisoned
I’ve been drunk
But I don’t stop
-pour me another one,
I yell
They listen, they don’t care
My need is fulfilled
My patience is not recovered
I’ve been drunk
I’ve been dead
So dead I almost feel
The cry of the infants
The kisses of lovers
The touch of dirt
I’ve been so drunk
I start to realize
How humanity is attached by merely acts of faith
Things seem so hard to get
But so easy to loose
You just let them go
Let them be finished
Don’t cry them
Don’t miss them
Don’t want them back
My cruelty is dead
I am deep
I’ve been drunk
I am not sorrowing
Not missing back
Not remembering
I let you stay
But only because I’m too wasted
To send you away.
I’ve been drunk
And when someone’s drunk
They don’t care
They don’t search
They keep digging
And words have been written
I’m filling my pages with
when someone’s too drunk
they get nostalgic
they get lost
feed the wolves
my drink
and they will howl
it’ll seem soft
and kind,
the howl of drunk wolves,
but they are not in love
they are just mad
and this is behind all of that
I pour some more
But I don’t understand
What is wrong with my drink?

segunda-feira, 1 de outubro de 2012


I pass my hands through my lips
You watch how high I am
How low I rest
You please me
How you need me
I look. You look.
We crawl but keep apart
I offer you
Give to satisfy
What’s bothering you
Something’s getting awry
And I say: give me my mind back
But you’re not offering any
You sell my mouth
I inhale the smoke
My mind’s still choking
In there
You swallow make a joke
We’re not here
I squeeze your hand
Grab hard
Warm it well
Stretch some lines
And murmured
You and me this could never get so perfect
I land my head
And your shoulder’s just fine
We’re warming our souls just for a second
And it could never get this perfect
How convict
I sight you under my eye
You’re away
Not mine
I can call
I can scream
But no sign
Not a line when
you get in one more time
I reach you
Call you I say I need you
But this once you’ll only be mine
If I can teach you
But you don’t wanna be teached
You wanna be pleased
I teased
You teased
And promised
You’re not getting your mind back
So eased